joe commander 9th November 2007

Dear Will, Thank you for checking on me this summer. Thank you for playing basketball with me. Thank you for picking me up so I could dunk it in. For a little while, I felt like a big boy, like I was your age or maybe it was like you were my age (almost 4). Anyway, we had fun. You were so funny.Mommy said we can still laugh. You were my favorite lifeguard. Sometimes my mommy watched me extra hard when you were on the stand, because she didn't know if you were asleep behind your shades. Thank you for all the "high fives." Thank you for the stick picture you drew of me, you , and Andrew. I drew one of us. You make me laugh. I told mommy that I am ready for you to come back from heaven now. Mommy and Ms.Genie say I can visit you @ night in my dreams. I love you Will! I'll see you tonight! Goodnight.- Love lil' Joe(almost 4 -on Sunday) with help from his mommy.... p.s- thank you for teaching me the words to "party like a rock star..."